3 Tbsp Unsalted butter, melted
1/3 C Grated Parmesan
3 Egg Yolks
4 C Milk
Pinch Nutmeg
1 2/3 C Semolina flour
Prepare Gnocchi
Line a 12 X 10 inch cookie sheet with baking paper or parchment
In a small bowl beat together butter, egg yolks and grated parmesan
Season Lightly with salt and pepper and set aside
In a large saucepan heat milk, add nutmeg and season with salt and pepper.
When milk is just beginning to boil lower heat and add semolina in a steady stream stirring as you pour.
Over low heat continue to cook for about 10 minutes or until all milk has been absorbed and mixture pulls away from side of pan in one mass.
Remove pan from heat
Beat in egg yolk mixture till smooth.
Spoon mixture quickly onto lined cookie sheet
Smooth with knive dipped in cold water to achieve
an even thickness.
Set aside to cool.
Preheat oven to 350 f and grease a 7 X 10 shallow baking pan (lasagne pan)
After cooled enough to handle lift semolina slab from cookie sheet
Peel off parchment and cut into circles using a 1 1/2 inch round cookie cutter dipped in cold water.
Arrange Circles slightly overlapping in lasagne pan.
3 Tbsp Butter, melted
1/3 C Heavy Cream
1/3 C Parmesan, grated
Blend butter and heavy cream.
Pour over Gnocchi and sprinkle with Parmesan
Bake uncovered for 25 to 30 minutes until golden brown
Serves 4
Can be prepared up to 2 days previous and stored in refrigerator in either slab form or ready cut circles.
OMG, Artie..... PERFECTION!!!!